Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the windows have arrived

This morning all our kids were pretty hungover. A rough day partying at the beach. But it was worth it. They had big long naps and lots of food. By dinner time everyone was back in fine shape. No rest for dad though. Back too work. Today is the day. The day the windows get moved. I am so glad to have them on land..the land directly in front of the cabin. They have been moved so many times in the past few months. It is nice to have them in there final spot. Once again the hospitality of Oona River shone through. Lutz volunteered to help bring the gear around. Not sure if he knew what he was getting himself into. When I loaded them into the skiff it wasn't too bad. The skiff was high and dry. Too unload them was different. The boat was floating and bobbing around. Yes I got wet boots again. Really need to get a pair of gumboots. Lifting the heavy windows and patio door out was a bit of a stretch. I tried hard to make it look easy..but it wasn't. Lutz was a workhorse. He wanted to pack everything right to the cabin. I was beat though. I told him...just get it on shore and I can tarp it. And you can go. I will worry about moving them all the way into the cabin later. Liam came down to help his own words he is a "big working boy". By the end of the day 3/4 of the load was in the cabin. The rest was under tarp. Now two more days to finish the roof. Then I can start framing and putting the windows in.....


  1. "Remember Lutz Budde is an old postmaster from Houston, B.C. My old boss, and "the mail must be Delivered, yeah for Lutz...greeting to Lutz and Wendy from us heh!

  2. Just think of the work the explorers had in setting up a settlement. Have fun gettiner done bud. Uncle Dirk
