Sunday, April 11, 2010

first sunday

We woke up to a glorious day. Everyone slept..nobody puked..things are looking up. The sun was shining and the snow is gone..hopefully never to be seen again. We strolled all around town looking for a church service..but finding nothing we decided to head to the beach. We spent the rest of the morning flipping rocks and discovering God's creation. Liam is quite excited about all the creatures living on the beach. He is eager to show his cousin Ava around. We then had an impromptu lunch on the helipad. (only in oona river) We brought fresh homemade pitas (thanks jana) and orange juice. Ben and Shannon brought homemade pickled salmon, mushy rotting pears and a picnic table (on the roof of there mini van). It was glorious...the sun shone and it felt great to be outside. Bring on Spring!!
We then proceeded to have a epic 3hour nap..everyone was very much needed after the last few sick days.
Half of Oona River's population left for Prince Rupert this afternoon and won't be back till tuesday. So poor Liam will have no-one to play with. I guess he can come help dad start building!!!


  1. for the record Sydney actually did puke in the wee hours of the morning but everyone else slept through it. Despite adventures in bodily fluids life at Oona River is serene.

  2. Jana, it is a Good Thing that they now have a Registered Nurse in Oona River, I worry less about you guys now, we miss you and enjoy reading your blogs. Any deals at the Free Store?

  3. Ava would love to see all your animal friends at the beach Liam...
