Monday, May 31, 2010

patio door/counter top

The weekend was a blur. Not many photo's but lots of fun. I tried fishing with Lutz most of gave it an honest try..all over the map..but no luck. I' ll try again tomorrow. This stubborn dutchman is itching to catch a salmon. The sun was beaming down all day in Oona..actually kinda of muggy with zero breeze. So we had a picnic dinner with the Vanderheide's amongst the boulders in front of their house in the river bed.

We started the week off with more work...We got the patio door installed so the cabin is now completely sealed in. With heat in there it is almost ready to move in. All that is needed is a kitchen sink. The sink has been found we just need to make a counter top for it. Hidden in the rafters of the local sawmill we found a 20foot 16x2 beautiful clear dry cedar slab. After a little planing and sanding it will be an awesome counter..we are pumped. Jana has been hard at work finishing the counter top.

Friday, May 28, 2010

killer day

well a great day and sunny with lots of fun. The work part today involved finishing the addition now is waterproof but I have to split more shakes to cover the lumber wrap. Now we can clean out the cabin..put all the tools and lumber in the cabin will be empty. Jana will be happy itching to clean it all out. And varethane the floor. The tides are very high during the night. So all kinds of new logs have been floating around. We have been trying to find a big log to make a bridge to the island. Today was the perfect day to do that. A great big cottonwood log washed right into our bay. The weather was warm enough to we had lots of fun moving it around. A pod of killer whales swam check out the entertainment while we were working. Ok they swam by the point..but it was exciting to see them anyways. About 6 of them. Jana and Liam had a lot of fun cleaning the water tank out with vinegar too . The inside is now spotless. We couldn't pop all the dents out though....we tried. But it still is going to hold a lot of water. Brought some more lumber over after supper..tried fishing for a few hours..but no luck. Other people are starting to catch them though.......not sure what my problem is......try again tomorrow.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

bugs out

First morning to notice any bugs around the cabin. A few mosquito's and a couple big bumblebees in the windows. But a nice breeze came along and cleared the area. We got a bunch more done today. Scrounged the beach for more driftwood posts and beams. Got some rafters built and the little addition is taking shape. Jana got apples trees and some more stuff planted. The garden is looking good. Need to take some photo's. Had dinner at Lutz and Wendy's tonight. mmmm lasagna.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

bedroom #2

So now that the upstairs is done..sort of. We need another bedroom. So the plan is too extend the south side by 8 feet. Add a little roof and make half a porch and the other half a 8x8 bedroom. The bedroom needs to be stepped up a foot because of the ground slope. Even with stepping it up there is a lot of material to move. Everything that gets chopped and dug out gets thrown behind the house on a platform that I hope to put the black water tank. So today we had to dig foundation holes. About two feet down till I hit rock. Jana packs small rocks from the beach and we tamp them down. On these pads I add cedar blocking. Now to the beach..I need 10foot 6x8 poles for my floor joists and beams to set them on. They are easily found..slightly harder to pack them up and put them in place. But a bit of sweat and by lunchtime the foundation and joists are in place. After lunch..Liam goes swimming...Jana tackles some garden and trail building..Sydney naps and I put on the new deck and the stepped up bedroom floor.

Today the weather was so and sunny and water dead calm. So I had to try fishing...trolled for 2 hours after dinner but no fish...maybe tomorrow.

Their gone!!

Well it was sad too see them leave. So much fun hang out with Josh and Laura and kids. We had lots of laughs together. Jana and Laura got to tackle some gardening and transplanting...Jon and Josh got too fish..never caught any..but we got too fish. Ava and Liam and Jesse and Sydney..are so different but so alike...It is was alot of fun too see them all interact. Jesse is growing up so fast..and Ava is such a good example for Liam.(most of the time :) Ava and Liam actually went and had a nap together in the same bed for two hours....if you don't have a 3 year old you may not realize what a feat this is. We look forward to our next visitors..who ever they may be????

Now back to working on the cabin!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wimbush/Hols Day#3

After hearing that somebody caught six fish in front of little cabin yesterday..we decided to try it out. John,Grace,Josh and me went out for 5 hours. We lost two salmon and landed one. Was kind of ugly...windy and rough..sure glad to be on uncle John's big boat. After fishing..we fished some more on the dock with the kids. Followed by a hike in Fern Gully and pancakes for dinner..mmmmmmm

Saturday, May 22, 2010

their here!!

Well they made it...Jeff first in his fast C-dory. He came and checked out our beach. The rest of the gang showed up...but the water was low so they anchored out. We raced out in the skiff to meet them. I ferried the kids and girls too shore so they could go play in the gym. The boys had beer and waited for the water too come in. Once the boats were docked and all the groceries was time for a quick tour of Oona and a late dinner. Tomorrow the fun begins!!

the big black tank

So this morning I towed some more lumber over too the cabin. Everytime I go too the cabin by boat I see this big black something. Today I thought I would investigate. It was a huge water tank. It had been battered around a bit..but it was full of water..that means no leaks. I dug around in the rocks..found the drain. Managed to open it with my leatherman..drained the water..and it was easily moveable. Jana will have to climb inside and clean out the creapy crawling things and push out a few dents. Not sure what we are gonna use it for......any suggestions?

Lots of excitement around town today..last night a barge came in with new equipment/men/supplies to rebuild the bridges in town. Plus our nearests neighbors to our cabin arrived for the summer. There is some more cabins down the beach about a kilometer from us. Now we are just waiting for the wimbush/hols...should be here in an hour!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

almost ready

Well we got the rest of the fireplace done today. Jana was a busy girl placing rocks and spreading concrete. I under estimated the amount of sand we would need. So as jana watched kids and placed rocks. I hurried up the board walk with buckets and backpacks in search of more sand from along side some recent road upgrades. A little sweat later and a few more batches of concrete we had a pad built for the stove. Now in couple days (when Josh is here) we can set the stove in place and have our first fire. It will be nice too have heat upstairs. We now have the kids area set up...including all windows installed...a new gate...painted jumper and liam's own indoor swing. What more do you need.
We spent a bit of time at the dock today. Picking people up as the floatplane dropped them off. Slight confusion. I was waiting out in a skiff for the plane..because they were unsure if there was enough water for the plane,,,well there was but nobody told me. So like a shy puppy dog I followed the plane around the harbour and back into the dock. Oh well everyone made it safe and sound. Also the long weekend means more visitors. Already the number of kids liam's age has doubled. Wait till Ava and Jesse get here tomorrow. Just one more sleep we told a very tired Liam who fell asleep immediately after dinner.