Monday, April 19, 2010


Well..rainy monday here. But life goes on. Lots of fun too still be had outside though. Today's work project was siding on the dormer. Ben had some left over siding..all pre-stained that he gave me. (Thanks Ben). The siding had lotsa knot holes...but I only needed short pieces to do the dormer. So I cut them out. Ben also let me pre-cut everything in his shed. Today was a good day to be working inside..caused it rain most of it. Three trips walking into the cabin..but the dormer is done. Also got another row of shakes spilt and put on the roof. Was nice to get the siding done..alot easier right now because I can easily walk up the backside of the roof. Would be alot harder when all the shakes are on.
Jana and the gang went for a bike ride in the rain. Went to coffee (Oona River traditon..every day at 10 and 3 ..between 5 and 15 people) Also visited Ben and Shannon who hooked up there new gravity water system. They were there to witness the first test of the system. No problems though.
Had prawns and eggs for breakfast...prawns and chicken for lunch...and spagetti for dinner (no prawns to bad) Ben has the prawning down to an art 100 a day. 300-400feet deep

Yesterday was Sunday. We decide to spend the day not working on the cabin. We all slept in which was nice. Jon helped Ben and Shannon for awhile. Mostly moving stuff into there new house (2 clawfoot bathtubs,vanity,sink,lumber, composting toilet) Jana had all four kids and loved it..they played "what time is it MR Wolf and a new game called "hawk chases caterpillar as it morphs into a butterfly (don't ask). Then we all had pizza together. A good day.


  1. Good Pics. The dormer still looks sweet. I like the wet coastal look. All we have is bright blue sunshine and 24 degrees. Trust me I still am jealous.

    Stupid Canucks.

  2. "hawk chases caterpillar as it morphs into a butterfly" - I can only imagine...

  3. Hello Jon and Jana and family! Great blog--love your adventures!! Aunty Jean
