Monday, April 12, 2010

liam's first boat ride

Today is a day to make Eric jealous. barely a breeeze and getting hotter every minute. Liam and Dad made there first trip around by boat. We took mostly tools and some front seat clutter out of the yellow truck. Ben has let us use his skiff when ever we want. It has a nice new 25hp motor.Goes way better than last year when he had a 15hp that was missing half the propeller. Liam loved it. He enjoyed his new job as "the guy who holds the rope so the boat doesn't float away". Jana stayed home with Sydney. Sydney isn't doing so hot...lots and lots of funny coloured bodily fluids coming out of her. We had pancakes for lunch because it is her favorite and she is barely eating. Just checked the weather and looks like we aren't the only people enjoy some summer like conditions. Sure is nice to have our Internet Mobile Stick working.


  1. Paige says "get well soon, Sydney."

  2. Truely Truely Jealous. Almost overwelmingly so. Good work on the blogs though. I hadn't checked it for a while and BOOM like 4 more posts, nice!
    Love you All

    Eric and Bethany

  3. Hugs and Kisses to little miss Sydney.

    Ava and Jesse

  4. Good Blog guys, me and sheens would be jealous but we are in LA and going to disneyland manyana!

    Luke and Sheens

  5. Matt says we'd be jealous too, but we're in Lethbridge...

  6. Hang in there Jana...hopefully Sydney will bet on the mend soon :o) Enjoy the sunshine!
