Friday, April 9, 2010

our new place

Well we finally got everything were we want it. After weeks of packing and moving stuff it is finally at it's resting place. Hopefully I don't have to move another tote for 2 months. Jana has alot of unpacking to do. But she is excited. She has a brand new kitchen to out fit...all the cupboards are bare except for the essentials. It is kinda fun being the first person to use everything. Except with kids every mark or scratch is the first so they stand out. hopefully we get our damage deposit back. Ben and Shannon invited us over for Ben's birthday dinner (33) can you refuse steak and crab. It was great..except Liam was exhausted and had to be whisked home before the birthday cake. We only have one bedroom and a fold out sleeping arrangements need a little ironing out. Sydney fits in the closet though. Poor girl. Liam is posing in the window of our living room for Oma..during a snowstorm. Apparently we have gotten as much snow in the first day as they did all winter.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE BLOG!!!!!! Wow- you guys are organized...I didn't know that you had a great blog about your trip all planned out for day 2! Must have been in one of those totes of yours. Thanks for the up-date. Your place looks like a great spot to spend to months! Tell Syndey that Ava and Jesse often slept on the closet when we were travelling- she'll be ok : )
    Oh- and it snowed here too- so don't worry , spring will be back.
