Saturday, May 1, 2010

the walls.

Started framing today. The mill has been cutting up a storm. So there now is lots of 2x4 and any other lumber I need. Not too many people get too frame there cabin in cedar. I can easily pack a couple boards down the trail. So it was easy getting started. Today I made 4 trips. My only problem is my cordless batteries don't last the whole morning. I am going to have to start sawing them by hand..(old school). I really want to frame the wall pieces for the fireplace and the stairs. If I get those done.. I can build the stairs which will make finishing the upstairs easier. Those walls don't need they are pretty straight forward. I did 2.5 sections today. The went pretty good. The beams that Eric and I put in place were better than I thought. I just build a 7x8 panel and pound it in. They lined up good. Adding those panels with all the plywood and screws really strengthen up the cabin. I will be glad when it is all together.
Liam is having fun on the coast. His games are beginning to have a coastal flavour. First he sits in a basket with wooden spoons and pretends to paddle his "boat". The next game he got in trouble for. It involved chasing kids around the gym with dad's fishing rod. Trying to catch them. Apperantly the girls didn't appreciate the real hook he was using. I think he has forgotten all about tractors and farming. But there is loaded logging trucks hauling that adds to his excitement. Also there is a 6yrs old boy in town for the weekend. He is glad to have another friend.


  1. So jealous your putting up walls already. So cool, must be fairly rewarding. Do you have a door out there. And do you know where you are going to put the windows?

    Sweet stuff, Once again, wish I was there.
    Uncle Eric

  2. Looks wonderful Jon and Jana..have a great Sunday, take a rest...
    greetings from Ma and Pa, the cows are grazing, the grass is short but green..

  3. Looking awesome Jon & Jana!!!! That is a lot of work. Wish I could be there to help, Josh Shane :)

  4. Hi, Great blog and cabin. How did you attach the big vertical logs to the cabin floor? I'd like to build a sauna similar to this someday but I am curious how they are attached.

  5. ....I did ponder this for awhile...The posts were held up with temp. bracing while the roof was put on. Then the in-fill 2x4 walls held it all together. The trick was lots of 4 inch deck screws with added washers. I find they can really suck the wood together good. And way cheaper than big lag bolts. I did also add some...on angle..through the base of post and into the floor.
    If any of my posts were freestanding..I would have probally did something more dowels or bigger lag bolts from underneath.
    Good Luck with the Sauna....
    I also enjoy your blog :)
