Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liam's Birthday

The Event: Liam 3rd Birthday Party

Location: Ons Tweede Huis

Time 11:30-2pm

Guest Lists: Opa and Oma Seinen, Mom and Dad Seinen, Sydney Seinen, Mya Vanderheide, Lily Vanderheide, Shannon Vanderheide, Shannon's mom Laura, Lutz and Wendy Budde.

Activities: Lunch, Treasure Hunt, Gift Opening, Candle Blowing out, Cake Eating, Toy Playing, Beach combing/Tidal pool fish catching

Menu: homemade pizza pops, fruit salad, crackers and cheese, homemade granola, watermelon, chocolate milk, strawberry ice cream, chocolate ice cream, huckleberry/strawberry cheesecake, assorted veggies,

Gifts Recieved: Homemade driftwood playtable with different rooms outfitted with barbie accessories, airplane, toy car, hockey shirt, personnelized shirt with attached super hero cape, garbage truck, skidsteer, loader with missing back wheels, book, homemade driftwood/shell /fishing lure wind chime, Hot wheels rocket launcher car, (sorry if I forgot somebodies gift)

Special Notes, double thanks to Jana and Shannon for all the food prep and gift making that went on..the days and weeks before. It takes a little plannig and co-ordinating to have ice cream here, nevermind cheesecake and treasure hunts.

Dad's Favorite Memory: moments after Jana unveils the special driftwood play cabin table with Barbie accessories...the trucks attacked. Within seconds Barbies playfort was over run with loaders and airplanes and every thing else with wheels. Barbie can just suck it up..she is gonna have to accept the fact that cars and trucks need a place too.

Mom's Favorite Memory: staying up till midnight the day before making enough pizza pops for everybody. and the chocolate milk..yes I forgot about the chocolate was my favorite memory. Plus just being a mom....and watching your child being selfless and excitedly sharing the day with everyone. He is already asking who's birthday is next? Watch out Ava.

Liam's Favorite Memory: ice cream and as much as I could the airplane uncle Matt got him

Sydney's Favorite Memory: sitting at the big kids table without my stinking high dropping ice cream down my shirt and smearing it all over Mrs Vanderheide


  1. Sounds like a great Birthday Liam, Sorry I missed it!!! Looks like you had lots of fun still. Say hi to Opa and Oma for me.

    Uncle Eric

  2. My favorite memory was the GINORMOUS smile on Liams face while bowing out his birthday candles! Another fun birthday.

  3. Happy birthday Liam! It looks and sounds like you had a fun day! =) Love from, the Groothof's

  4. It sounds like you had a great day Liam...too bad we missed the party. I'm glad that you have some good 'girl friends' there to play with.
    Now we are both 3 ( for a week at least)
    xoxox Ava

  5. Barbie is tougher than you think, Jon. Just wait until Sydney gets a little older and Barbie will have her revenge...
