Thursday, May 20, 2010

three windows

Well..lots of back and forth today. Three trips to the cabin. Built a cute little swinging gate for upstairs. So sydney doesn't fall down. Was given three windows that fit the dormer. But I had to build the frames and flashing. Used Mark's metal brake to bend the flashing just right. Used Ben's table saw to cut all the window framing pieces. Sure is nice to have everyone helping here. Ken and Beth brought a few essential groceries for us today also. So we can have a big lunch waiting for the Wimbush clan when they arrive. After supper all four of us trooped over to the cabin for an hours work. Pouring rain with wind blowing straight in our beach and faces. Everyone is smiling though nice to have the loft done and clean..the kids can play and crawl around. And let there parents work. Sorry forgot camera..tomorrow we will have photo's of the finished dormer window. We did put the rock wall up. I managed to break one rock off..luckily it is on the bottom and will be easily repaired when we put the bottom piece on. Hopefully tomorrow we can get the rest of it in place.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. Jana time for a picture of author and builder..hard at work.

    from Mother
