Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Their gone!!

Well it was sad too see them leave. So much fun hang out with Josh and Laura and kids. We had lots of laughs together. Jana and Laura got to tackle some gardening and transplanting...Jon and Josh got too fish..never caught any..but we got too fish. Ava and Liam and Jesse and Sydney..are so different but so alike...It is was alot of fun too see them all interact. Jesse is growing up so fast..and Ava is such a good example for Liam.(most of the time :) Ava and Liam actually went and had a nap together in the same bed for two hours....if you don't have a 3 year old you may not realize what a feat this is. We look forward to our next visitors..who ever they may be????

Now back to working on the cabin!

1 comment:

  1. Hey J & J, me and sheens mailed you guys a letter hoping it would get there before the wimbushes got there, It was a thank you for supporting us letter for them, with a card for you guys. We thought it would be fun for them to get in Oona, but it probably is late. when you get, go ahead and open it.

    josh and laura, if you read this, sorry.

    luke and sheens
