Tuesday, May 11, 2010

upstairs window

Here's what the upstairs looked like at the end of the day. Was getting kinda of windy. Not the time to be putting the lumber wrap on. I gave up and will finish it in the morning. Probally be raining then. At least the rain will be good for all the "starter" plants Jana dug up from Jan's garden today. The garden is where Liam had his fun today. Him and his new friend found a robin that couldn't fly. Liam put on gloves (thanks Ava) cause the bird was "biting". Then proceeded to dunk it in the pond. That's where Jana found him..screaming and standing up too his armpits in a skuzzy swamp pond when he fell in. She stripped him down..turned her sweater into pants and made him walk home..should of had a picture..


  1. lookin good jon boy,

    the cabin that is

  2. ha ha ha - what a day Liam. I can just imagine it. Hope Mom is doing ok with all the laundry.


    ps- 8 days till Ava comes! oh- and thanks for the birthday gift- she hasn't opened it yet.

  3. I think I just peed a little.
    Thanks guys - another priceless moment shared!

  4. I have to admit that I'd missed a few weeks on your blog, but I'm very impressed with the progress!

    Keep having fun out there!

