Tuesday, May 4, 2010

60th birthday Party

This morning we phoned Opa Seinen to wish him a happy 60th. It was 7:30 am and he was already out the door feeding cows. Aren't you supposed to sleep in on your birthday? Well Mom told us why he was out and aboat. The night before he got "our" present. A box full of fishing gear. He was so pumped and excited to use it they decide to come visit us for a few days. By 4:30 the were here dumping their gear on the beach. We were glad too have them. Liam was very surprised...he felt it was his personnel duty to remind Opa constantly that it was his birthday. Seeing how I can't catch any fish..we were glad to receive the cooler of Seinen beef. Jana had prepared a wonderful birthday dinner (chicken wraps with quinoa). Liam and I drove them home and they are off to spent the night in there cabin. After dad fixes his chimney..it was looking pretty rusty. They were nervous about sleeping with it the way it was.


  1. i tried calling the farm all day, nothing,

    thanks for explaining it jon.

    happy 60th pops


  2. Yeah same dealio.... Happy birthday Papa, hope all you guys have a great time together, miss you all.
    Love Eric and Bethany.

  3. A wonderful way for your Dad to spend his 60th! It's really weird for me to read you calling him Opa Seinen! Jana...isn't quinoa the best? Aunty Grace taught me how to cook it , not that it's hard...we love it. Seems you keep cooking great meals..Jon ain't suffering from malnutrition..even if he's not bringing home the fish!

  4. Nice photo of the Sea Hoss coming into Oona! I better get on the quinoa bandwagon - everyone seems to be eating it...hmmm.
