Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Fun

Well the weekend is over. Lots of fun and lots of rain. All kinds of new people in Oona this weekend for the wedding. We had a great time. Even though rain hit us pretty hard a few times. The sun came out for a great wedding ceremony on the heli-pad. Dinner in the old red school house was 8 our kids we due to be in bed so we didn't quite make it till 2am like the rest of the dancers. We had lots of visitors on Sunday. Two groups hiked over to check out the cabin. We sure do enjoy sharing this space with people. The more visitors the better. We got to finish the kitchen table so we can start really entertaining. With the storms and low tides there has been some cool beach combing. Lots of interesting starfish washing up on our sand flats. Our stove is running wide open just to keep kids clothes drying. Jana is the ultimate washing machine. Building a cabin is the easy part....keeping the crew clean and fed is the hard part.


  1. The everyday Housewife who gave up the goodlife for Jon! really should start your own blog. Jana
    love M.Seinen, good to know all is well

  2. Liam Sure looks like he is getting used to living out there. Cool stuff.

    Uncle E

  3. video blog, video blog!

    we want a virtual tour of the cabin, just upload to youtube, post a link on the blog!

    Luke and Sheens

  4. Love the diapers hanging over the fire!...and on the beach. Wonder how long they will make washing by barnacle?

  5. Life must be getting old out there, no blogs for 4 days.... sheesh.

    Uncle E.

    P.S. Most likely have just purchased a house, we have about 10 days until we can remove our conditions and make it official!!! We are Pretty Excited, and busy, and broke.
