Wednesday, June 2, 2010

moving in

Well we got a sink in today..means we can move in anytime now. Of course the drain system for the sink could use a little fine tuning. But things are coming together. Today was a stormy day..lots of wind..but our cabin was snug and warm..the kids had lots of fun playing while we puttered. Managed too sweet talk Ben out of some clear plastic roofing so I can finish our little add-on deck. The deck is turning into this cute little work spot for me. Now I can stay out of the kitchen. Liam is getting better and better at finding crabs. One was found with all eggs under an albino one. He packs them up too the cabin to play with..and then loses them inside somewhere...oh smell yet. He did forgot his gumboots on the beach also..then the tide came were lost...but they were found later rolling in the waves.


  1. The place looks great, hard to put into words, we can't wait to visit this weekend and see it... God Bless you both, and have a Happy Anniversary Day tomorrow, we will be thinking of you...God only knows what you'll be up in the next four years!!

    love Dad and Mom Seinen

  2. Wow- the place looks amazing! Can't believe it was 4 years ago that we lugged our new born to a wedding party in PG!
    Great work with the house i LOVE the kitchen Jana- well done.


  3. Beautiful job guys!!
    Happy anniversary guys, you truely make me proud. Your kids always look like they are smiling, glad to see. Wish I could visit.

    Uncle Eric

  4. Hi from Vancouver. The place looks great. Will come soon to have a closer look. Hope things go wellwith your move.
    Lutz and Wendy
