Sunday, June 6, 2010

eagle day

Hot and Sunny today. Man it was like the caribbean..everyone snoozing on the beach in the sun shine. I don't care at all. All I want is a caught another one..not me. Ok I caught a salmon but it was too small and released before we thought of a picture. Me and dad had fun fishing in the morning. Caught lots of fish..only one keeper salmon though. Watched some interesting eagle behaviour also. As we trolled around a point close to shore we spotted an eagle swimming. It looked very odd..paddling with it's It got to shore it hopped up on a log..with a nice looking salmon clutched in its talons. Pretty cool to watch it drag the fish up the rocks. I wish I had a better camera..our zoom is pretty would have made some cool shots. Anyways...Liam was excited to see his first salmon ...and was quite interested in the cleaning part. We are all looking forward too tomorrow..we are leaving this apartment and moving into the cabin!!!!!!!!! Hopefully it goes well..we are pretty excited about sleeping under our own roof. There is still alot to finish..........but who cares with nice sunny weather like this!!!!!


  1. Nice Fish DAD! Not sure why all the buzz about Salmon, go Catch some Halibut, thats the real fish. Deep Sea Baby!

    Uncle Eric

    Might make an offer on a house today.

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  4. Yah, way to show Jon how its done.... haha!

    Uncle E
